I have dealt with chronic pain for years, pretty much starting at the same time COVID-19 shut the world down. It all started with my leg, I could barely walk for more than 10 minutes and I couldn't lay on my right side without being in pain. Prior to this (and the world shutting down), I had been in the gym 2-3 times a week for months doing HIIT, Zumba, and Strength Training. After a couple of weeks, the pain got worse so I finally went to the doctor where I received a diagnosis of tendonitis in my glutes and was referred to an orthopedic specialist for the other undiagnosable pain in my hip. Little did I know, this was only the start of a never-ending journey. From about April to September 2020, I saw not only an orthopedic specialist, but also saw an orthopedic surgeon, started physical therapy, had imaging conducted, received injections, and was put on crutches.
At this point, I can't exercise, I can't walk far at all, and I can't even wear heels. My mental health was going down the drain and those crutches only made it worse. And guess what? None of this gave me the relief that I longed for.
I finally went back to the orthopedic specialist because I felt like the surgeon was dismissing my pain. She then referred me to pelvic floor therapy and a rheumatologist...here we go all over again. A few months go by and things start going well. I've gotten more injections, graduated from physical therapy (again), and start on a new medication. It was all going well...until I built resistance to my new medication after 3 months 🙃. We're now into 2022 and still dealing with this mess from 2020. I was sent to a THIRD physical therapy facility. I reluctantly gave Airrosti a try and even though it was brutal, it was extremely helpful. Even though the pain was getting better, it was still really bad around the time I was expecting my period so I was advised to reach out to my gynecologist.
I made an appointment to discuss the possibility of endometriosis but also knowing that it's almost impossible to diagnose without surgery. On the day of my appointment, my pain level was at a 9/10 - I could barely function. After talking with her, all of my symptoms were pointing to endometriosis. We agreed to start a new medication (what's one more going to hurt? I'm already a lab rat) and do a pelvic ultrasound. My ultrasound came back clear so now it's all on these meds. At my follow-up appointment, everything was different - my pain was almost non-existent, my mental health had improved, and I felt better overall.
In September of 2022, after living in chronic pain for 2.5 years (and spending $3,000+ in medical expenses), I was given an endometriosis diagnosis and finally relieved of ongoing, excruciating pain. Endometriosis is a disorder where tissue that normally lines the uterus, grows outside the uterus. It affects anyone who has menstrual periods, but it is more common among people in their 30s and 40s. Symptoms and side effects include pain, bleeding/spotting between menstrual periods, digestive problems, and infertility. It's taken me a while to write this because I had trust issues from those other meds. I needed to wait this out and see if they actually worked for longer than 2-3 months. I've also been trying to do some research and wrap my mind around what this means for me and my body.
For a while, I've been on the fence about wanting to have kids, but now it's more of "I'm not sure that I'll be able to or how difficult it may be." I know that it's possible to conceive and give birth with an endo diagnosis, I personally know women who have, but I also know that every body is different. So when people ask, it's a lot easier to say "I'm not sure" than to say "I don't know if I can" even though it's truly none of their business.
If you or someone you know suspects that you are suffering from endometriosis, consult with a medical provider.